How to search for flats for rent in Bangalore
How to search for flats for rent in Bangalore
Searching the flat/house in Bangalore for rent without paying any brokerage fees is now possible , here we have given the realistic explanation for searching a rental accommodation in Bengaluru. This envisages the prominent factors to search flats/houses for rent in Bangalore.
Step 1.Budget: Deciding your budget (rent and security deposit).
Step 2. Location: Decide your preferred locations, Prefer close to your office/ institute/ organization.
Step 3. Searching on-line: Search your preferred property from comfort of your home. Try reputed portals like HOUSING BHARAT COM, Housing Bangalore .com etc.
Step 4. Personal suggestions: Take suggestion from local friends, colleagues, institution teachers and relatives.
Step 5. Short-listing property: Contact the owner by telephone, email or messaging app. Collect the details of property snaps, location, rental, security deposit, year on year appreciation value, rental cycle (Usually 11 months), notice period, renovation cost (Painting & cleaning). If possible demand draft agreement.
Step 6. Visiting Property: On the satisfaction of above collected information. Visit the property and meet owner.
Step 7. Finalize flat/house: Finalize the property and demand draft agreement by email
Step 8. Carefully read draft agreement:
You must read draft agreement carefully and rise if you have any concern. Negotiate rent and security deposit if required; it is your right!
Year on year appreciation is less or equal to 5%, try to avoid exceeding 5%.
Keep notice period between 1 - 3 months (depends on your suitability).
Keep a eye on renovation cost (Painting and cleaning). Most of property owner quote one or more than a month rent. You can keep the option of renovating on your own if rent is more than Rs.15,000 per month. Renovation cost may not exceed more than 15k if you opt decent paint quality for up to 1500 sq.ft accommodation
Possession date and rental address must reflect in draft
Add mode of transaction in draft, Prefer wire transfer instead cash. Cash is prone to betrayal
Rental payable at month end instead advance.
Maintenance, water, electricity charges etc must reflect in draft.
Owner bank details must reflect in draft for transferring monthly rent and security deposit
Step 9. Transaction: Transfer security deposit on-line instead cash. share transaction details to owner by email.
Step 10. Agreement sign: Meet the owner. Go through the agreement once again and make sure all the refereed point in step 8 are reflecting including mode of transaction and transaction number. Sign the agreement in all the pages by tenant, owner and witness at last page.
You may skip step 9 (Transaction in advance). you can initiate IMPS transfer while agreement sign and you can hand write the transaction details in agreement.
Step 11. Collecting key: Collect property key as soon as agreement is signed.
Step 12: Notarizing the agreement: Only notarized agreement are valid as local address proofs. such as applying for gas connection, opening bank account, auto mobile purchase, passport application etc.
Suggestion : Never ever rush for signing agreement without proper understanding the impact of rental clause, if so you may regret during rental termination.
In case you are looking for a rental flat in Bangalore.
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